Formed by God. Formed for Good.

Collegiate Sports Ministry 101

Training Sessions:

  1. What’s a Win?

  2. How do I do this? 

  3. Ministry of Presence: Provide, Facilitate, Care, Advise

  4. Skill Session: communication

  5. Personnel: Coaches and Staff

  6. Personnel: Student-Athlete Leadership Teams

  7. skill session: Discipleship

  8. Skill Session: Facilitating Small Groups

  9. Programming: Huddles and Bible Studies 

  10. Programming: Ministry to Teams

  11. Skill Session: Practice and Game Attendance

  12. Skill Session: Pregame Chapels

  13. Special Topics: NCAA Compliance and Title IX

  14. Special Topics: Ministry in Loss, Pain, and Grief

  15. Logistics: Getting a Gameplan

Training Session #1- What’s a Win?


  1. To understand the Biblical background for beginning with the end in mind and articulate a road map for getting there.

  2. To understand the “McCown Sports Ministry Map” and how it relates to collegiate sports ministry.

  3. To embody character traits and skills required to be excellent in the quadrants of the Map relevant to your context.

  4. To understand that your ministry may not look the same as a fellow sports minister due to the variety of models of sports ministry/chaplaincy and various quadrants in which you might operate.


Download: McCown Sport Ministry Map, What’s a Win?


Watch the following videos and answer the associated Discussion Questions

Videos for FCA Collegiate Ministry

How do you set a good goal? You begin with the end in mind. The goal and end in ministry is 2 Timothy 2:2. What does that look like in the context of collegiate sports ministry?

Discussion Questions

  1. Within what quadrant of the McCown Sports Ministry Map have you lived most of your life? What quadrant are you being called to? If they are different, how will you need to grow in order to contextualize the Gospel to those living in the quadrant where you will serve? As you look at the Sport Ministry Map download, notice the profound differences between the left (quadrants 1&3) and right (quadrants 2&4) sides. On the college campus discussing their sports experience is superior to your own sports stories…discussing an athlete or coach’s performance is superior to discussing winning…and a relational approach is superior and necessary compared with a programmatic approach. Why do you think this is so? How might you need to alter your mindset or approach? You can have mass appeal for quadrant 1 and must have specialized appeal for quadrant 4- why is this so? Ministry to those in quadrant 3 is rather simple while ministry to those in quadrant 2 is very complex- why is this so? How might you need to alter your mindset or approach to minister effectively within the collegiate athletic department (Quadrants 2&4)?

  2. This video introduces FCA’s “E3” strategy: Engage, Equip, Empower. Look up the associated Scripture with each. How are you challenged and encouraged by each? How might you apply each of these strategies and verses to the context in which you are serving?

  3. Have you ever been a part of a movement where multiplication like this was happening? What did you see God do? How did he use leaders?

  4. When considering the models of sports ministry that Cede presents on their website, which one(s) do you see yourself naturally inclined or drawn to? What model is actually feasible for the context into which you are entering and serving?


Based on 2 Timothy 2:2, we know that the “win” is disciples who make disciples! In Collegiate sports that looks like the empowered coach and athlete who multiplies their lives- both given their current season of life and in the years to come. In order to Engage (help them become aware and get involved), Equip (challenge them to own) and Empower (multiply) Coaches and Athletes at the Collegiate level, we must understand their mindset (what quadrant of the Sports Ministry Map they live in). A wise Sports Minister will have the sober self-assessment to identify their own quadrant and then contextualize the Gospel to Quadrants 2&4. Lastly, a wise Sports Minister understands that there are a variety of models their ministry can look like based on the access granted by the campus, athletic program, or coach under which they serve.


Write out a script for a conversation with a coach or athlete that you want to inspire towards being a disciple who makes disciples. Use the concepts in this Training Session to explain to them how you want to challenge them and what role you will play in their life. Alternative: video tape yourself having role-playing that conversation.


Turn in a copy of the script from your Lab. If you chose the alternative, provide a link where the video can be viewed.


  1. Books: Focus on Sports Ministry- Lowrie McCown

  2. PDFs: Our Role in the World of Sport Ministry - AIA resource referencing the Sports Ministry Map

Training Session #2- HOW DO I DO THIS?


  1. To establish how you define your identity and love being the motivation and foundation for our work.

  2. To evaluate yourself according to the attributes presented - identifying areas of needed growth and developing a strategy for pursuing growth.

  3. To value and articulate opportunities for relationships, attitude, and presence.

  4. To know key personnel, become proficient at programming, and excellent at the skills required on a college campus.


Download Note Sheet


Watch the following videos and answer the associated discussion questions:

Videos for FCA Collegiate Ministry

South Australian chaplains Brandon Chaplin, Mark Purser and Roger Johnson talk about how, and why, they serve as volunteers at their clubs.

Discussion Questions

  1. Who or what has historically told you “who you are”? How have you seen “fear of man” or “approval of man” play itself out in your life or your work as a Sports Chaplain or Character Coach? Emily shared several truths from Scripture - which ones can you apply to your life and work? How?

  2. When exploring Cede’s description of Characteristics one must possess- why do you suppose they chose these eight? Which ones will be vital for you to maintain or grow in?

  3. Once you know who you are, you can press faithfully into what to do with confidence. Roger practically outlines relationships to pursue, attitudes to possess, and how to be present. What relationships are available for you to pursue now? How can you build those relationships more fully? What attitudes did Roger mention that you need to be aware of? When would be strategic times (both tangible times as well as formative moments) for you to be present?

  4. The Chaplains in this video speak to the value they bring to the clubs they serve. Brainstorm all the various issues you think you may have to help sportspeople navigate. Which ones do you feel equipped to help with and which ones might you need to gain more knowledge or skill in? What are some practical habits you can form that will help you be that neutral, trusted Chaplain that meets their needs?


When you know who you are, you’ll know what to do.

Our identity MUST flow from who God says that we are. Our ability to walk calmly into challenging circumstances is full dependent on this. Cede outlines several must-have characteristics of a Sports Minister. Essentially they are a natural by-product of a hungry and humble Sports Chaplain/Character Coach who knows who they are and is willing to be taught by the Holy Spirit and wise counsel.

From this solid foundation we can truly be aware of the three primary pinciples necessary to to serve effectively as a Character Coach or Sports Chaplain: Relationships, Attitude, and Presence. We work this out through the personnel we serve, the events that support those relationships, and the skills needed to implement programs and steward relationships well.

  • Relationships- Head Coach, Athletic Trainers/Strength Coaches, Athlete Leaders, Freshmen, Injured, Administrators, Support Staff (academics, nutrition, mental health, compliance, etc)

  • Attitude- Humility, NOT a fan, patience, trustworthy confidant, competitive drive, coach’s goals for the season, performance over winning

  • Presence- Before/at the end of practice, after a loss, in the lunch room/weight room/training room

Lastly, SCA Chaplains explain the value we can then uniquely bring to an Athletic Department or Sports Team.


Shadow a Sports Chaplain/Character Coach for a day. Observe how they interact with people and their attitude in general. Think about the following questions during your time with them:

  • How are they present and “around enough to be relevant” to the people they serve?

  • What “awkward” situations did/might they encounter and how did they navigate it?

  • Why did they handle situations in the way that they did?

Take time to interview them afterwards and/or interview a sports chaplain/character coach veteran if you had a more negative experience. Potential questions to ask are, but are not limited to:

  • What is the easiest/most difficult thing about this job?

  • What “lessons learned” they have that they could share with you?

  • What do they consider to be best practices?

  • What are mistakes you have made that I could learn from?

  • What are some “must have” and “can’t stand” traits that you believe I must have or grow in to do this with excellence?


Write a reflection on your shadowing experience and your interview that details what you learned. Turn in here.


  1. Video: Head, Heart, Hands (4:24)- What do we need to KNOW, what VALUES must we possess, and what SKILLS must we hone to steward the personnel and programs entrusted to us in a collegiate athletic department?

  2. Experience: Read your job description and consider what you can add to or edit within it that will help you grow in the areas of Head/Relationships, Heart/Attitudes, and Hands/Skills you will need. Detail what you will “expect” of yourself as well as how you will “inspect” it.

  3. One Page PDFs: Athletes In Action’s “6 Things a Coach Thinks and Feels But May Never Say” and “10 Things the Athlete Would Like You to Know But May Never Tell You”

  4. Books: Who are we? Exploring our Christian Identity- Henri Nouwen

Training Session #3- Ministry of Presence: Provide, Facilitate, Care, Advise


  1. To understand what the Ministry of Presence is, embrace its value, and articulate its necessity.

  2. To be able to articulate to a college coach or administrator specific ways you can serve them personally, their team, and/or the athletic department.


Download: What can a Sports Minister/Character Coach/Chaplain do for me?


Watch the following videos and answer the associated discussion questions:

Uploaded by Roger Lipe on 2019-08-23.

Discussion Questions

  1. Think about the lives of college athletes, particularly freshmen. What were the challenges you faced in that season of life? What challenges do you think they might be facing? What opportunities and challenges might they have in regards to spiritual support? Consider their schedule, joys, fears, relationships, etc. This is why you must “Go to them…show up…listen to Spirit…and ask good questions”. What are some “good questions” or conversation starters that you could use as you build the Ministry of Presence?

  2. What can the Ministry of Presence practically look like in your context? The dining hall, weight room, and practices were mentioned in this video: are those places that you are welcome to be? In what manner will you proceed in order to be humble, yet bold as you consider walking into these spaces? Give specific examples of questions you will ask God, actions you will take, and rhythms you will build into your routine to be present regardless of the location.

  3. Think about the lives, schedules, and pressures of college administrators, coaches and athletes and answer the following questions: What are some uniquely Christian religious needs that you can help meet? Though it is not mandatory for you to facilitate for the religious needs of other faith groups- how could doing so be an expression of Christian character, love, and even the Gospel? In what aspects of life might they need care and how might you be uniquely poised to offer that care? What can you foresee as challenges regarding advising leadership and players?

  4. Young Life terms this concept “contact work”. The link provides a 20 page document that translates this concept into a very practical vision of what your Ministry of Presence can look like. What can you learn from them about the art of hanging out and building relationships?


As Christians, we carry the Spirit of Jesus with us everywhere we go- including the athletic arena. We wish to be seen, be known, and be heard for the sake of them meeting Him. Due to the nature of collegiate athletics (namely the “grind” and how athletes and coaches are seen as “commodities”), a tremendous investment of time is required to earn that kind of trust- this is the Ministry of Presence. We must show up consistently, listen for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in where/when we show up, create margin in our own schedules for that, and learn to engage Coaches and Athletes in their space with good questions. In particular, it may be shrewd to begin first with “People of Peace”. These may not be the people who have the “best position”, but they are the ones that welcome you into their circle.

Four expressions of Ministry of Presence are:

  • Providing religious support for those who share our faith

  • Facilitating for any needs of those who do not

  • Caring for everyone in the program

  • Advising leadership on culture/climate as well as advising players how to manage themselves

Four places or “Rooms” where you can live out the Ministry of Presence are:

  • Lunch Room - or over a meal

  • Weight Room - coordinate with strength coaches and clear expectations

  • Practices - at discretion of coach

  • Training Room - (not mentioned in video) valuable location but must be coordinated and cleared with ATCs


Here is an editable version of the download provided at the beginning of this Training Session. Consider the ways that YOU can provide, facilitate, care and advise. Stay within your lane, level of training/certification- but dream big. Be sure to only offer actions that you can and will follow through on. Create a menu you can offer to any Coach or Administrator when they are unsure how to utilize you. It must look professional and fit on one page maximally.


Turn in your edited document.


  1. Experience: Shadow someone who does Ministry of Presence well. It is valuable even to follow someone who does not work in a sports context. If they do Ministry of Presence well, then you will see how to apply it to your context. Examples of contexts where this occurs well include: hospital chaplains, young life leaders, pastors who visit their congregants, etc.

  2. Video: Be 100% Present (1:05)

Training Session #4- Skill Session: Communication


  1. To gain experience and feedback on your ability to be a good listener

  2. To gain experience and feedback on what it feels like to be in a conversation with you


Download Note Sheet


Watch the following videos and answer to associated discussion questions:

What is the best way to ease someone's pain and suffering? In this beautifully animated RSA Short, Dr Brené Brown reminds us that we can only create a genuin...

Effective listening skills in the workplace and relationships are must-have effective communication skills and take a look at a 1-hour Listening Course: http...

Discussion Questions

  1. How naturally empathetic of a person are you? Discuss examples of how you can grow in the four areas universal to empathy that Brene mentioned: perspective taking, staying out of judgement, recognizing emotion in other people, and communicating that recognition. Have you ever had someone rebuttal your difficulty with an “At least” statement or an attempt to “silver lining” your experience? How did it make you feel? Why do you think we have a tendency to do that? What are some circumstances that sportspeople on the college campus might face that you could be tempted to “silver lining”? How can you intentionally avoid that temptation and choose an empathetic response?

  2. “It’s a huge misconception that more talking equals better communication”. So let’s move from abstract to concrete. What does it feel like to be in a conversation with you? What facial expression do you typically wear in a conversation? Do you get caught up in details or can you hear the big picture idea/emotion? How do you successfully employ that skill? Do you have tendencies to rebuttal or make conversations about you or your topic (hint: ask an honest friend or spouse)? How can you grow in that area? On a scale of 1-10, how would you score yourself at being concise when you speak and then tossing it back to the other person? Have you ever had someone followup on something you said? How did it make you feel? To truly know the answers to these questions, you may need to ask for some honest feedback. If you know that you tend to dominate conversations or need to grow in this area, then please watch the two videos posted in “overtime” below. They will help you grow in this area.

  3. Once we have gained confidence and competence in being a a caring and effective listener, let’s consider how to ask good questions of others. What are some fact, passion, and heart level questions that could be your “go-to” questions for athletes? For coaches?

  4. How you carry yourself matters. What is "professionalism" within a college athletic department?  In what areas do you have room to grow?  How would you judge your ability to tell good stories?  How would you judge your ability to be concise and “bottomline” it? Why do you suppose this is so?  In what circumstances might BLUF be a necessary skill? Why do you suppose this is valuable to sportspeople, particularly coaches?


We are in a vocation that requires empathy. To listen with empathy is to hear the other person’s perspective without judgement. We must be able to recognize emotion in other people and communicate it back to them. We tend to try and make things better. But what the person really needs is connection, someone to listen.

So how can we become better listeners?

  • Feedback - non verbal feedback “showing” them you are fully there. Listen with your face. Give them verbal feedback too

  • Listen for Big Picture - the big picture idea or the big picture emotion

  • Stay on them - as a person and their topic

  • Be concise - if you take a talking turn, limit what you say then ask another question

  • Take action - followup somehow

We may have to prompt others through good question asking in order to deepen relationships and listen with empathy. Good questions can be asked on three different levels:

  1. Facts - What are some basic things about them?

  2. Passions - What do they care about? What is important to them?

  3. Heart - What is at the core of who they are?


Provide this rubric for initial feedback to somebody that you interact with daily or very frequently. Ask them to evaluate you honestly on your question asking and listening to this point. Then take a day/week/month to work on two items: 1- asking good questions on three levels and 2- whichever action item you most need to focus on with listening (reference to “Effective Listening” video). At the end of the time period, seek followup feedback from the same individual on your improvement in these skills. **If you would like to let multiple people who are close to you know what you are working on, your practice could be more effective as they provide you realtime feedback.**


Write a reflection on this experiment. Include the initial feedback, what skills you were determined to grow, how you went about learning and practicing, the results of the final feedback, and your perspective now. Turn in your reflection here.


  1. Video: Improve Listening Skills (6:35) - additional video by Dr Alex Lyon exploring how to show people they matter, listen to understand, following along, and practical action steps

  2. Video: Barriers to Effective Listening (5:38) - additional video by Dr Alex Lyon exploring distractions, preoccupation, maintaining focus, rebuttal tendencies

Training Session #5- Personnel: Coaches and Staff


  1. To understand why the Coach is the primary door to service to a team

  2. To understand opportunities to serve the administration, coaches, and support staff of collegiate teams

  3. To appreciate the life stressors that are unique to college coaches and support staff

  4. To understand best practices in ministering to college administration, coaches, and staff based on their unique attributes and stressors.

  5. To be competent and confident in a first meeting with a coach




Watch the following videos and answer the associated discussion questions:

Why do we start coaches and staff when ministering within an athletic department? What is it that they need that we can offer?

First Meeting.jpg

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you ever felt like someone wanted something out of you when you thought they were supposed to invest in you? Describe how that impacted your relationship. If you are familiar already with the athletic department you will serve, who are some coaches and staff that you should work to cultivate a relationship with ? How can you approach that?

  2. In the first two interviews with the coaches, what is something that stuck out to you? Why? What are some practical ways you can serve a coach or athletic director?

  3. There is value in forming relationships with support staff. In considering the words of the Athletic Trainer and Support Staff, what is the value in forming a great relationship with the them? Can you give some examples of how that relationship could be mutually beneficial? What are some practical ways you can serve the Athletic Trainer and/or other support staff? Consider and discuss how you can serve the following groups of people staffing the athletic department: compliance, sports information, academic advisers, nutrition coaches, strength and conditioning staff, graduate assistants, interns, administrative assistants, recruiting coordinators, directors of operations, custodial personnel, etc.

  4. How do you plan to get started? What best practices resonate most with you? What best practices are areas of needed growth for you? What are you going to do about it?



Prepare for your first meeting with a coach. Grab and colleague or friend and role play- practice having that conversation. Have them assess you according to this rubric. Repeat this activity until you have confidence and competence.


Write three paragraphs:

  • Paragraph 1 is a summary of what you learned from the videos and discussion questions.

  • Paragraph 2 details how that role play went. Include content from the rubric in your explanation.

  • Paragraph 3 will outline your next steps in preparation and prayer for building relationships with coaches and staff.

Turn in here.


  1. Experience: Find a colleague who is seasoned in coaches ministry. Interview them. Alternatively, you can shadow them as they go to meet coaches. If appropriate, you can even seek specific mentoring and/or feedback from your colleague or the coach to which you are introduced.

  2. Website: 3 Dimensional Coaching Institute

  3. Website: 3D Coaching (faith based edition)

  4. Video: How to Set Up a Coaches Huddle (2:10)

  5. Video: Resources for a Coaches Huddle (2:38)

Training Session #6- Personnel: Student-Athlete Leadership Teams


  1. To understand the importance of building Student-Athlete Leadership Teams.

  2. To embrace Best Practices regarding development of Student Leaders.

  3. To be prepared for challenges that arise with Student Leaders.

  4. To discern what priorities make sense on your campus and in your context.


Download Note Sheet


Watch the following videos and answer the associated discussion questions:

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discussion questions

  1. Why and how of leadership teams

  2. Serving and Sustaining the team: Spiritually and Logistically


Goal is have all 19 teams represented.

How they come to us - rec from other athlete, have used application at times,

What they do - help us lead huddle, facilitate small groups. Be FCA rep to their team…looks different. Pray for teammates/coaches/invite to FCA…live out the Gospel. So we disciple them weekly.

Showing small group, interviewing them: what has being in leadership done for your spiritual growth?

Logistics: finding a common time for small groups. Good through a study with them - train them spiritually as well as how to lead. Helps them get to know each other too. Collaborating to lead huddle is easier bc they are friends.

Consider leading Team Huddle for their team. How they help each other in that and encourage each other.

Show another small group: How has small group helped you grow in your faith this semester?


Witness a leadership team in action.  The extent to which you can do this will depend on your proximity to a healthy leadership team.  If you are able to attend a meeting, do so. Either way, interview the staff person who oversees this group. Questions to ask include, but are not limited to: How do you select leadership team members? What do you prioritize with your leadership team? What do you think makes a leadership team “healthy”? What are some of the challenges you have experienced with your leadership teams? How do you logistically manage this group of people? What do you consider when shepherding these athletes spiritually?


Write a reflection on all you learned from the videos, discussion, lab interview, and attending a leadership meeting. What will be your “next steps” with your leadership team? Turn in here.


Training Session #7- Skill Session: discipleship


  1. To understand why the primary target is to make disciples who make disciples

  2. To have a disciple-making strategy that fits your context and a way to measure it

  3. To obtain some frameworks and tools that you will use in disciple-making


Download Note Sheet


Watch the following videos and answer the associated discussion questions:

Thanks to @legacydisciple in Chicago, we are starting a new short series on chaseGodtv concerning making disciples and leaving a Legacy. We will feature inte...

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Discussion Questions

  1. Why it is vital to make disciples? What things did Francis say that struck you most? What are you going to do about it? How can you let people “see your life”? How can you “walk with people”?

  2. Discipleship Matrix

  3. First for you as a disciple- who are you following? Are you willing to move your schedule to fit theirs? Do you come hungry with good questions, ready to learn? As you disciple others- Are you providing only a lecture, or a lab? Where can they follow you? How can you include others in your calendar rather than just adding to it? Consider the four arenas Grant mentioned: family life, work life, church life, and private life.

  4. Frameworks and Tools



In what area of life or work do you want to grow? And who has mastered that area? Figure out a way to “join them”.

Think creatively about how you can invite others to not just meet with you, but actually follow you. What is going to be your strategy to make disciples?


After you begin to work your plan, write a reflection on what you intend to do and how it has gone so far. Turn in here.


  1. Book: The Passion Generation: The Seemingly Reckless, Definitely Disruptive, But Far From Hopeless Millennials, by Grant Skeldon. Fascinating and Easy read that is more about discipleship than the millennial generation. Practical and will make you rethink your priorities and methodology regarding discipleship

  2. Podcast: If You Want to Be Discipled, Be Hungry (33:59) - Interview with Grant Skeldon

  3. Video: 70:20:10 Discipleship (2:12) - we learn best by doing, interaction, then listening

Training Session #8- Skill Session: Facilitating Small Groups


  1. To understand the value and utility of small group facilitation versus teaching.

  2. To develop awareness in the logistics of leading small groups.

  3. To develop skills in asking good questions and dealing with problematic group members.


Small Group Leader Checklist


Watch the following videos and answer the associated Discussion Questions:

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Online Course Video Placeholder.jpg

Discussion Questions

  1. Why, How, What?

  2. What if? - dealing with difficult group members



Facilitate a Small Group Meeting. Bring along someone to evaluate you and provide feedback and coaching afterwards. Provide them this worksheet to help guide them in providing feedback. Alternatively, you can provide the worksheet to all the small group members and receive feedback and coaching from them.


Turn in a scanned copy of the evaluation form and your own written reflection on the process.  What were your successes? Where are areas of needed growth? How do you plan to gain experience so that you can grow in those areas?


  1. PDF: Small Group Facilitation resources from Growing Leaders and FCA that focus on effective listening skills

  2. PDF: Art of Leading a Discipleship Group - excellent one page document with foundational values and actions

  3. Video: Brene Brown on Empathy - 3 minute video that addresses non-judgement and empathy, two skills utilized in facilitating small groups

  4. Website: Stanford University resource for facilitating group discussions

Training Session #9- Programming: Huddles and Bible Studies


  1. To have a framework for an effective Huddle or Bible Study

  2. To consider the variety of forms in which this programming can exist and determine which will be most effective for your context


Download Note Sheet


Watch the following videos and answer the associated discussion questions:

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Discussion Questions

  1. Why a Huddle?

  2. What do we do with our time?

  3. When should we have a huddle?





Training Session #10- Programming: Ministry to teams


  1. To understand the value of ministry to teams and best practices in team ministry on the collegiate level

  2. To gain confidence and competence in how to first meet a team and begin ministry to that team


Download Note Sheet


Watch the following videos and answer the associated discussion questions:

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Discussion Questions

  1. Team Ministry

  2. How do I start?





Training Session #11- Skill Session: Practice and Game Attendance


  1. To understand what is and is not role of a Character Coach/Sports Chaplain at practices and games

  2. To embrace the attitudes and values necessary to maintain your welcome at practices and games

  3. To articulate ways a Character Coach/Sports Chaplain can serve practically in both a game and practice environment


Download Note Sheet


Watch the following videos and answer the associated discussion questions:

Videos for Character Coaches and Sports Chaplains.

Discussion Questions

  1. What do you do when you get to practice? What are some things you have observed and perceived when you’ve been at a practice? Give examples. How can you grow in your ability to draw connections or ask good questions?

  2. Games and Practices





Training Session #12- Skill Session: Pregame Chapels


  1. To learn the basics of public presentation speaking

  2. To gain experience and feedback on your ability to communicate in a presenting style publicly- specifically a pre-game Chapel service


Download Note Sheet


Watch the following videos and answer the associated discussion questions:

Public speaking for beginners. FREE 7 Instant Tips for Confident & Composed Public Speaking

I Have a Dream" is a public speech that was delivered by American civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington for Jobs and Fr...

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Discussion Questions

  1. What are your habits when speaking publicly? What strengths come naturally? Do you already know of some areas of needed growth? How can you improve your ability to be organized and concise? How can you improve your body language and your voice/tone? If you want to hear more from this guy, there are tons of videos at his YouTube Channel

  2. Dr Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech is considered to be one of the most moving ones of our time. What do you notice about how his speech is organized and flows? What does his imagery evoke in you? What do you notice about his tone, timing, tempo, and what words he emphasizes?

  3. Establish your purpose and craft a Chapel

  4. How to Become a World Class Speaker: What points did the author make that resonate with you? Challenge you? Why? And what actions will you take?


  • Less is more: Organized and Concise flow, simplified notes so you can be conversational, few slides if any

  • One Thought, One Look


Prepare and present a pre-game Chapel that will be giving on Easter weekend. You may pick any sport of your choice and determine who will be there and when/where it will be held. You are limited to 8 minutes. Give this rubric to someone else who will assess your presentation. You will have to repeat your presentation if you exceed your time limit.


Write a reflection on your chapel presentation. Evaluate your score. Discuss strengths and areas for growth. Turn in your reflection as well as your Chapel speaking Notes


  1. Experience: Sign up for a workshop to improve your presentation skills with MillWyck Communications or Toastmasters

  2. Book: Communicating for Change by Andy Stanley - easy and fast read that practically demonstrates how to communicate for life transformation rather than simply information transfer

  3. Video: Impromptu Speaking (7:39) - what do you do when you get put “on the spot”?

  4. Blog: favorite blog articles from MillsWyck Communications are: Questions Speakers Should Ask Before They Speak, How to Express Passion in Public Speaking, and Storytelling: The One Skill Every Master Communicator Uses

  5. Blog: Public Speaking Tips from Toastmasters

  6. Podcast: one minute speaking tips with Alan Hoffler

  7. Video: What NOT to say videos done by MillsWyck Communications

  8. Video: Simon Sinek takes you through how he prepares to speak- How to Present Properly: Part 1- (3:19), Part 2- (5:58), Part 3- (11:16), Part 4- (2:16), Part 5- (9:43)

Training Session #13- Special Topics: NCAA Compliance and Title IX


  1. To understand the basics of NCAA Compliance and Title IX.

  2. To initiate a relationship with both offices on your campus and learn their specific guidance for your work on their campus.


Take Notes on the Interviews and prepare your own questions for your Compliance and Title IX staff.


Watch the following videos and answer the associated Discussion Questions:

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Discussion Questions

  1. Compliance. Why is it crucial that a sports chaplain/character coach/etc connect with the Compliance office on their campus? Are you and/or the people you work with considered to be athletic staff, boosters, something else? How might this impact any utilization of volunteers? What actions or practices are you currently involved in or would like to start (ie. Bible studies, dinners, etc) could have the potential to cause violations?

  2. Title IX. Video Coming Soon.


The Compliance office is entrusted with educating, monitoring, investigating, and reporting all NCAA violations that occur related to their athletic department. The NCAA has rules that are unique to Divisions and Tiers of competition. Each Compliance office will have their own interpretations and applications of these rules to their specific campus. You might be considered athletic staff, a booster, or something else by the Compliance office. Therefore, it is vital that you form a relationship with the Compliance office at your university and learn how the rules apply in your context. The greatest risk for violation falls within the category of “extra benefits”. Occasional meals, rides, and prizes can fall into this category. Topics also addressed within this video are: communication with prospective student-athletes (which could impact everything from speaking at area high schools and camps to meeting actual recruits on campus).


Part 1- Use the content of the interviews to craft questions you know you need to ask your Compliance and Title IX offices. Part 2- Schedule an appointment with both offices, meet those in it, and get educated on the expectations both offices have of you. Write a reflection on what you learned. What are the actions you need to take/change? How will this information impact how you utilize any volunteers?


Turn in the questions you plan to ask your Compliance and Title IX offices (Part 1 here). Turn in your reflection on what you learned and actions you need to take (Part 2 here).


  1. NCAA Compliance website

Training Session #14- Special Topics: Ministry in Loss, Pain, and Grief



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Watch the following videos and answer the associated discussion questions:

Sports Chaplaincy 101 - Warren Evans (How do you walk an athlete through bereavement?)

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Discussion Questions

  1. Intro

  2. 3 T’s and tools for them

  3. Triage and Referral - Kim





Training Session #15- Logistics: Getting a Gameplan



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Watch the following videos and answer the associate discussion questions:

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Discussion Questions



