discussion questions
Why and how of leadership teams
Serving and Sustaining the team: Spiritually and Logistically
Goal is have all 19 teams represented.
How they come to us - rec from other athlete, have used application at times,
What they do - help us lead huddle, facilitate small groups. Be FCA rep to their team…looks different. Pray for teammates/coaches/invite to FCA…live out the Gospel. So we disciple them weekly.
Showing small group, interviewing them: what has being in leadership done for your spiritual growth?
Logistics: finding a common time for small groups. Good through a study with them - train them spiritually as well as how to lead. Helps them get to know each other too. Collaborating to lead huddle is easier bc they are friends.
Consider leading Team Huddle for their team. How they help each other in that and encourage each other.
Show another small group: How has small group helped you grow in your faith this semester?