Training Session #3- Ministry of Presence: Provide, Facilitate, Care, Advise


  1. To understand what the Ministry of Presence is, embrace its value, and articulate its necessity.

  2. To be able to articulate to a college coach or administrator specific ways you can serve them personally, their team, and/or the athletic department.


Download: What can a Sports Minister/Character Coach/Chaplain do for me?


Watch the following videos and answer the associated discussion questions:

Uploaded by Roger Lipe on 2019-08-23.

Discussion Questions

  1. Think about the lives of college athletes, particularly freshmen. What were the challenges you faced in that season of life? What challenges do you think they might be facing? What opportunities and challenges might they have in regards to spiritual support? Consider their schedule, joys, fears, relationships, etc. This is why you must “Go to them…show up…listen to Spirit…and ask good questions”. What are some “good questions” or conversation starters that you could use as you build the Ministry of Presence?

  2. What can the Ministry of Presence practically look like in your context? The dining hall, weight room, and practices were mentioned in this video: are those places that you are welcome to be? In what manner will you proceed in order to be humble, yet bold as you consider walking into these spaces? Give specific examples of questions you will ask God, actions you will take, and rhythms you will build into your routine to be present regardless of the location.

  3. Think about the lives, schedules, and pressures of college administrators, coaches and athletes and answer the following questions: What are some uniquely Christian religious needs that you can help meet? Though it is not mandatory for you to facilitate for the religious needs of other faith groups- how could doing so be an expression of Christian character, love, and even the Gospel? In what aspects of life might they need care and how might you be uniquely poised to offer that care? What can you foresee as challenges regarding advising leadership and players?

  4. Young Life terms this concept “contact work”. The link provides a 20 page document that translates this concept into a very practical vision of what your Ministry of Presence can look like. What can you learn from them about the art of hanging out and building relationships?


As Christians, we carry the Spirit of Jesus with us everywhere we go- including the athletic arena. We wish to be seen, be known, and be heard for the sake of them meeting Him. Due to the nature of collegiate athletics (namely the “grind” and how athletes and coaches are seen as “commodities”), a tremendous investment of time is required to earn that kind of trust- this is the Ministry of Presence. We must show up consistently, listen for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in where/when we show up, create margin in our own schedules for that, and learn to engage Coaches and Athletes in their space with good questions. In particular, it may be shrewd to begin first with “People of Peace”. These may not be the people who have the “best position”, but they are the ones that welcome you into their circle.

Four expressions of Ministry of Presence are:

  • Providing religious support for those who share our faith

  • Facilitating for any needs of those who do not

  • Caring for everyone in the program

  • Advising leadership on culture/climate as well as advising players how to manage themselves

Four places or “Rooms” where you can live out the Ministry of Presence are:

  • Lunch Room - or over a meal

  • Weight Room - coordinate with strength coaches and clear expectations

  • Practices - at discretion of coach

  • Training Room - (not mentioned in video) valuable location but must be coordinated and cleared with ATCs


Here is an editable version of the download provided at the beginning of this Training Session. Consider the ways that YOU can provide, facilitate, care and advise. Stay within your lane, level of training/certification- but dream big. Be sure to only offer actions that you can and will follow through on. Create a menu you can offer to any Coach or Administrator when they are unsure how to utilize you. It must look professional and fit on one page maximally.


Turn in your edited document.


  1. Experience: Shadow someone who does Ministry of Presence well. It is valuable even to follow someone who does not work in a sports context. If they do Ministry of Presence well, then you will see how to apply it to your context. Examples of contexts where this occurs well include: hospital chaplains, young life leaders, pastors who visit their congregants, etc.

  2. Video: Be 100% Present (1:05)