Training Session #1- What’s a Win?


  1. To understand the Biblical background for beginning with the end in mind and articulate a road map for getting there.

  2. To understand the “McCown Sports Ministry Map” and how it relates to collegiate sports ministry.

  3. To embody character traits and skills required to be excellent in the quadrants of the Map relevant to your context.

  4. To understand that your ministry may not look the same as a fellow sports minister due to the variety of models of sports ministry/chaplaincy and various quadrants in which you might operate.


Download: McCown Sport Ministry Map, What’s a Win?


Watch the following videos and answer the associated Discussion Questions

Videos for FCA Collegiate Ministry

How do you set a good goal? You begin with the end in mind. The goal and end in ministry is 2 Timothy 2:2. What does that look like in the context of collegiate sports ministry?

Discussion Questions

  1. Within what quadrant of the McCown Sports Ministry Map have you lived most of your life? What quadrant are you being called to? If they are different, how will you need to grow in order to contextualize the Gospel to those living in the quadrant where you will serve? As you look at the Sport Ministry Map download, notice the profound differences between the left (quadrants 1&3) and right (quadrants 2&4) sides. On the college campus discussing their sports experience is superior to your own sports stories…discussing an athlete or coach’s performance is superior to discussing winning…and a relational approach is superior and necessary compared with a programmatic approach. Why do you think this is so? How might you need to alter your mindset or approach? You can have mass appeal for quadrant 1 and must have specialized appeal for quadrant 4- why is this so? Ministry to those in quadrant 3 is rather simple while ministry to those in quadrant 2 is very complex- why is this so? How might you need to alter your mindset or approach to minister effectively within the collegiate athletic department (Quadrants 2&4)?

  2. This video introduces FCA’s “E3” strategy: Engage, Equip, Empower. Look up the associated Scripture with each. How are you challenged and encouraged by each? How might you apply each of these strategies and verses to the context in which you are serving?

  3. Have you ever been a part of a movement where multiplication like this was happening? What did you see God do? How did he use leaders?

  4. When considering the models of sports ministry that Cede presents on their website, which one(s) do you see yourself naturally inclined or drawn to? What model is actually feasible for the context into which you are entering and serving?


Based on 2 Timothy 2:2, we know that the “win” is disciples who make disciples! In Collegiate sports that looks like the empowered coach and athlete who multiplies their lives- both given their current season of life and in the years to come. In order to Engage (help them become aware and get involved), Equip (challenge them to own) and Empower (multiply) Coaches and Athletes at the Collegiate level, we must understand their mindset (what quadrant of the Sports Ministry Map they live in). A wise Sports Minister will have the sober self-assessment to identify their own quadrant and then contextualize the Gospel to Quadrants 2&4. Lastly, a wise Sports Minister understands that there are a variety of models their ministry can look like based on the access granted by the campus, athletic program, or coach under which they serve.


Write out a script for a conversation with a coach or athlete that you want to inspire towards being a disciple who makes disciples. Use the concepts in this Training Session to explain to them how you want to challenge them and what role you will play in their life. Alternative: video tape yourself having role-playing that conversation.


Turn in a copy of the script from your Lab. If you chose the alternative, provide a link where the video can be viewed.


  1. Books: Focus on Sports Ministry- Lowrie McCown

  2. PDFs: Our Role in the World of Sport Ministry - AIA resource referencing the Sports Ministry Map