Training Session #13- Special Topics: NCAA Compliance and Title IX


  1. To understand the basics of NCAA Compliance and Title IX.

  2. To initiate a relationship with both offices on your campus and learn their specific guidance for your work on their campus.


Take Notes on the Interviews and prepare your own questions for your Compliance and Title IX staff.


Watch the following videos and answer the associated Discussion Questions:

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Discussion Questions

  1. Compliance. Why is it crucial that a sports chaplain/character coach/etc connect with the Compliance office on their campus? Are you and/or the people you work with considered to be athletic staff, boosters, something else? How might this impact any utilization of volunteers? What actions or practices are you currently involved in or would like to start (ie. Bible studies, dinners, etc) could have the potential to cause violations?

  2. Title IX. Video Coming Soon.


The Compliance office is entrusted with educating, monitoring, investigating, and reporting all NCAA violations that occur related to their athletic department. The NCAA has rules that are unique to Divisions and Tiers of competition. Each Compliance office will have their own interpretations and applications of these rules to their specific campus. You might be considered athletic staff, a booster, or something else by the Compliance office. Therefore, it is vital that you form a relationship with the Compliance office at your university and learn how the rules apply in your context. The greatest risk for violation falls within the category of “extra benefits”. Occasional meals, rides, and prizes can fall into this category. Topics also addressed within this video are: communication with prospective student-athletes (which could impact everything from speaking at area high schools and camps to meeting actual recruits on campus).


Part 1- Use the content of the interviews to craft questions you know you need to ask your Compliance and Title IX offices. Part 2- Schedule an appointment with both offices, meet those in it, and get educated on the expectations both offices have of you. Write a reflection on what you learned. What are the actions you need to take/change? How will this information impact how you utilize any volunteers?


Turn in the questions you plan to ask your Compliance and Title IX offices (Part 1 here). Turn in your reflection on what you learned and actions you need to take (Part 2 here).


  1. NCAA Compliance website