Biblical Overview

Do I want to read through the Bible or have it read through me? Do I want to get through it or have it get through me?

I still have those questions pierce my heart 11 years after Carly asked them rhetorically to me. And that year my love for reading, engaging with, wrestling with Scripture was ignited.

Here I was- a Christian for MANY years- and I don’t believe I’d ever actually read all the way through the Bible. Many people set out to do this with their New Years Resolutions…and they might make it through Genesis and Exodus (the first two books in the Bible), but then the hit Leviticus. Often the “read-through-the-Bible-graveyard”. But several people have helped change all that for me.

The late Buddy Hoffman, pastor of Grace Midtown Churches in Snellville, GA preached a series titled “One Story”. He walked through the narratives in the Bible and presented them as parts of one overarching story…explaining the metanarrative of the Bible.

There’s the guys at The Bible Project. Nothing like 5-8 minute animated videos that provide seminary instruction in palatable bite-size pieces for the average viewer. And Marty Solomon of Bema Discipleship - a pretty awesome podcast.

Finally, there’s the Old Testament and New Testament professors I had in seminary, some Rabbi’s I’ve worked alongside, and great authors whose love for Scripture has made it come alive for me: Beth Moore, Scott Hahn, Gordon Fee, Henri Nouwen…to name a few diverse front runners.

The Product? A desire to help others know the Word of God, the Person of God, and the Power of God.

I’m hoping you enjoy the Biblical Overview Project as much as the FCA interns for which it was originally created…and as much as I’ve been fascinated with continuing to read it- and have it read through me.